Education and Development Consulting




Whereabouts 2015

Whereabouts 2016


Research projects




Tingatinga, Tanzania.
Photo of painting.


Consultancy Work

  • 2014: Three months review for NORAD of the support given to Norwegian NGOs to work with education in developing countries, field work in Ethiopia  and Uganda.

  • 2013: Four months evaluation of the QEP action research project QEP (Quality Education Project) of Save the Children in Zambia and Zimbabwe

  • 2012: Consultancy paid by NORAD to work out baseline parameters and suggestion for project sustainability relating to the research centre/publishing company CASAS in Cape Town.

  • 2011: A four months consultancy for Save the Children Norway evaluating their project ”No one out” (Ingen utenfor) in 18 “Noone out”schools in Norway, interviewing 307 pupils, 38 teachers and 18 school leaders.Also  Visiting Professor in Peace and Development Studies, Unlversitad Jaume Primero de Castelleon, Spain

  • 2010: Visiting Professor in Peace and Development Studies, Wartburg College, US

  • 2009: Consultancy for NORAD and the Norwegian UNESCO Commission on. Language – Education – Development. Evaluated the thesis: Formal schooling, identity and resistance in Ethiopia by Lorarrine Towers for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Education, University of Sidney

  • 2006: Evaluation of a consultancy report on language of instruction in Madagascar requested by the World Bank - June 2006.
  • 2004 - 2005: On a stock-taking review mission on the use of mother tongue and bilingual education in Africa on contract from ADEA/GTZ/UNESCO. From the end of November 2004 until mid May 2005. Work continued through all of 2005.
  • 2004: Evaluated  in May 2004 a program in peace education in Bosnia-Herzegovina for DEZA, sveitsisk utviklingshjelp. Together with Ronald Greber from University of Bern.I was the team leader. 
  • Review of Support to Educational Development provided by RDSES. Mongolia, Nepal, Eritrea. April 1999. Review commissioned by DANIDA, desk study of the RDSES involvement in Eritrea, 16 days field work in Mongolia. Together with Jeef Bech Hansen (team leader) and Jørgen Billetof from RAMBØLL Consultancy firm and Wim Biervliet from Nuffic in the Netherlands. Main report (30 pp) and Annexes to Main Report (ca. 120 pp)
  • 1998: Brief field-notes from a brief field visit to Niger 22-26 April 1998.Memo to the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Delivered 4.May 1998.
  • Brief field-notes from a brief field-visit to Botswana 1 - 4. September 1997. Memo to the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Delivered 8.September.
  • Brief field-notes from a brief field-visit to Uganda 25 - 27.August 1997. Memo to the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Delivered 8.September.
  • Brief field-notes from a brief field-visit to Guinea 22 - 25. November 1996. Memo to the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Multi-lateral division. Delivered 1.December.
  • 1996 - 1999: A three year consultancy for the Norwegian Foreign Ministry\UNICEF and in cooperation with Janne Lexow, DECO. Meetings in Cameroun and South Africa (9 - 25 February 1996) Meetings in Dakar, Senegal and Conakry, Guniea (17 -26 November 1996)This is an institute-based cooperation, cooperation between the Foreign Ministry and the Institute for Educational Research at the University of Oslo. Two master degree students per year will write their theses as part of this project.
  • 1996 - 1998: A three year consultancy for DSE (Deutsche Stiftung für Entwicklung) to build up research capacity among young researchers in southern Africa within the area of qualitative research. Planning meeting in Berlin, (26-28. January 1996), workshop in Zimbabwe (17-23 March 1996), planning meeting in South Africa (25 -31 March 1996). Workshop in Malawi (16-21 September 1996) Planning workshop in South Africa (22-27 September 1996) Course director of the South African programme, training seminars in South Africa in last part of January 1997 - (20-29) (introduction, methods), 7-16 of April 1997 (data collection), 19 - 28 of January 1998,(data analysis) in Europe and/or Latin-America August 1998.(presentation of results)
  • 1995: For DSE (Deutsche Stiftung für Entwicklung): Resource person at a seminar in the use of qualitative research methods in education in Southern Africa. In Zschortau, near Leipzig, 6.April - 10.April. 7.21.
  • 1994: For DSE (Deutsche Stiftung für Entwicklung): Resource person at a seminar in the use of qualitative research methods in education in Eastern Africa. At Villa Borsig, Berlin, 29.November - 1.December.
  • 1993: For NORAD, October/November l993: A Project Review of the Diploma/ M.Phil. course in Fisheries Biology and Fisheries Management, University of Bergen. Together with researcher Henrik Gislason, Danish Institute for Fisheries and Marine Research from Denmark.(and a local consultant from Tanzania, one from Zimbabwe and one from Sri Lanka) A four week-consultancy with three weeks in the field, field visits to Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka. 7.17.
  • 1992: For NORAD, January/February l992: A project review of the Department of animal science and production. (DASP), Sokoine University of Agriculture. Team work with four in the team, the other three being men and animal scientists, one researcher from Tanzania, one from Ethiopia and the third and team leader: Prof. Hans Wiktorsson, Uppsala Universität, from Sweden. A two week-consultancy with nine days in the field.
  • 1992: For Lärarhögskolan in Malmö, Sweden, March,l992: An evaluation of the project "Skola för fred" . An evaluation af nine booklets making up a series of teaching material being used in connection with peace education from Kindergarden through high school.
  • l99l: For UNESCO Institute of Education, Hamburg. Writing of a background paper on suggested tasks for UNESCO to work on in the area of adult education - peace education. For a workshop taking place l8 and l9.April.
  • 1990: For UNESCO/NORAD, March l990: "Evaluation du projet 504/SEN/ll: Promotion de la formation et de la recherche en economie sociale et familiale au Senegal" written together with Alexis Propovsky and Ann-Kristin Søderlund (both UNESCO,Paris) and O.Dia Keita and Samba Dione (both Senegal). A ten day consultancy work (one week in the field)
  • 1990: For NORAD/the Norwegian Society for Forestry/ DECO, January l990: A project appraisal of the Faculty of Forestry, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania - written together with Prof.Lars Strand, Ås,Norway, Forest Director Mnzava,Tanzania, Ass. Prof. Adelaida Semesi, Tanzania and Consultant in the Norwegian Forestry Association, Arnulf Ødegaard (team leader). A four-week consultancy work. (three weeks in the field)
  • l989: For DUH, Research Division, July l989: Noen kommentarer til "a draft for the joint AIDS-project Tanzania-Bergen, samt en kort rapport om møtet med AIDS-prosjektet ved Universitetet i Bergen, og noen tanker om videre samarbeid mellom dette prosjektet og AIDS-prosjektet som skal startes opp av WED. (Some comments on the Bergen-Tanzania AIDS-project). Delivered DUH, Oslo,Division for Research:l8.July l989.
  • 1988: For NORAD, December l988:Forberedelse til Verdensbankens donorkonferanse angående utdanningssektoren i Tanzania.9 p. ( A preparation for the World Bank donor conference for the educational sector in Tanzania). Delivered:The Bureau of Education and scholarships for Overseas Studies.NORAD,Oslo,l.December l988.
  • 1988: For NORAD,March l988: A critical analysis of World Bank Report no.6934: Education Policies for Sub-Saharan Africa: Adjustment, Revitalization, and Expansion.34 p. Delivered: The Bureau of Education and scholarships for Overseas Studies.NORAD,Oslo,l5. March l988.
  • 1987: For NORAD,October l987: Rapport fra deltakelse i konferansen (report from participation in the conference:)"Institutional Training Capacity of Universities in Eastern and Southern Africa."30.p.Delivered:DUH,3.plan.6.October l987.
  • 1987: For UNEP/SIPRI, March l987 resulting in the article: Formal education as a force in shaping cultural norms relating to war and the environment. In: Westing,(ed),l988: Cultural Norms, War and the Environment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.pp.83-l0l. Translated into Russian and published by Mir publishers, Moscow, l989.
  • 1986: The Spirit of Nairobi - the peace and peace education concepts in the document from the Women's Decade Conference. An analysis written on request from the Swedish Ambassador for Disarmament, Maj-Britt Theorin. l5.2.l986.23 pages. Stenciled.
  • 1983: Research on Women and Peace. Commissioned paper prepared on request for the expert group meeting on "the participation of women in promoting international peace and cooperation", held in Vienna 5 - 9 December l983 and organized by the United Nations, Vienna International Centre.98 pp. Background paper for the UN Women's Decade Conference in Nairobi l985.
  • 198l: The role of women as mothers and members of society, in the education of young people for peace, mutual understanding and respect for human rights. Commissioned paper for a UNESCO expert meeting on the role of women in peace education, New Delhi, India, December 7 - ll,l98l.Published in English and French as ED-8l/CON.609/2. Paris: UNESCO. Also as: PRIO-publication S - l2/8l.Translated into French, Bulgarian and Finnish.
  • 1977: The changing Tasks of the Teacher. A Norwegian case-study. In: Teacher Tasks in innovative Schools. Vol.II. Paris: OECD. pp.39-8l. Commissioned work from OECD.
  • 1976: The study of Social Education at the University of Oslo - an Experiment in Self-management. A Norwegian case-study. Paris: UNESCO. October l976. 54 pages. Commissioned work from UNESCO.


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