Whereabouts 2015
Whereabouts 2016
Whereabouts 2017
Research projects
Tingatinga, Tanzania.
of painting.
Research projects
LOITASA 2002 – 2012 (The language of Instruction in South
Africa and Tanzania)
Funding from: NUFU
Partners: Prof.Justinian Galabawa, Dr.Martha Qorro,
Prof. Fikini Senkoro, Dr. Azaveli Lwaitama, (all
University of Dar es Salaam), Prof.Zubeida Desai, Dr.
Nomlomo Vuyokazi (University of Dar es Salaam)
Research Assistants: Greta Gudmundsdottir and Torill Aagot
LOISA 2003 – 2005 The language of Instruction in South
Funding from: The Norwegian Research Council (NFR) and
HRC (the Human Research Council in South Africa)
Partners: Prof. Zubeida
Desai and Dr. Vuyokazi Nomlomo
Research Assistants: Halla Holmarsdottir and Vuokazi
Nomolomo (both have now received their doctorates in
connection with the project)
NETREED 2001 – 2008
(NETwork for Research and Evaluation of Education in
Developing countries)
Funding from:
The Norwegian Research Council (NFR)
Research Assistants: Ragnhild Tungesvik (2001 –
2003), Greta Gudmundsdottir (2003- 2005), Torill Aagot
Halvorsen (2005 – 2007), Line Kjølstad Gran 15 Sept.2007 -)
The language of Instruction in South Africa and Tanzania
2001 - 2004
Funding from : The Norwegian Research Council (NFR)
Research Assistant: Halla Holmarsdottir
Education in Africa 1989 - 1999
Funding from:
NORAD, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Students who have written their theses in connection with
the project:
Astrid Tolo, Øyvind Ørbeck-Sørheim, Rune Hansson, Ingunn
Bremnes, Titus Tenga, Kari Aas, Marianna Mietinnen,
Ragnhild Tungesvik, Kjersti Okkelmo, Hege Grov, Annette
Nyquist, Tone Holtan, Elisabeth Grimstad, Johnny Aasen,
Torunn Henriksen, Dag Aasland, Kostas Koupolos
Peace education 1980 - 1989
Funding from:
International Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO),
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Disarmament, Sweden
Students who have written their theses in connection with
the project: Anne Halvorsen
Gender socialization 1979 - 1986
Funding from:
NAVF (The Norwegian Research Council), Mannsrolleutvalget (A
government appointed committee studying the male role)
Research assistant:
Bjørnar Sarnes
Mønsterplanprosjektet (The curriculum of the basic schools
development project) 1977 - 1981
Funding from:
KUD (Ministry of Education)
Students who have written their theses in connection with
the project:
Reinholdt, Lasse Heyerdahl-Larsen, Maja Wergeland Jensen,
Ellen Raaum
research projects web-sites
Birgit's old Website